Compaq CarePaq Call-to-Fix - Extended service agreement - parts and labour - 3 years - on-site at Backoffice
Compaq CarePaq Call-to-Fix - Extended service agreement - parts and labour - 3 years - on-site 207259-022
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In a networked environment, system availability requirements have increased dramatically. To help companies meet these availability needs, Compaq offers a service with a committed repair time. Other service agreements offer a guaranteed response time, but this is only when the technicians start work. Call-to-Fix CarePaq, however, offers a clear commitment from Compaq to have the system up and running in six hours.Call-to-Fix CarePaq is a low-priced packaged service that is easy to buy and easy to budget. The service is designed to return critical systems to an operational condition within a calculable time. Compaq's six-hour Call-to-Fix CarePaq minimizes system downtime and the associated loss of valuable work time with on-site service from one of Compaq's authorized technical specialists. All costs, such as hardware telephone support, labor, parts and transportation, are included. If the equipment is covered by a Call-to-Fix CarePaq Service Offering, Compaq commits to repair the hardware within a fixed period of time. For the 6-hour Call-to-Fix service Compaq is entitled to ask customer to submit a report provided by the Compaq Insight Manager, Survey.exe or equivalent tool delivered and certified by Compaq including the configuration details of the relevant product in order to receive the committed 6-hour fix time.Product Description | Compaq CarePaq Call-to-Fix - extended service agreement - 3 years - on-site | Type | Extended service agreement | Service Included | Parts and labour | Location | On-site | Full Contract Period | 3 years | Localisation | Europe |
Type | Extended service agreement |
Service Included | Parts and labour |
Location | On-site |
Full Contract Period | 3 years |
Localisation | Europe |
Service & Support Details | Technical support - phone consulting - 3 years - availability: 24/7 hours a day / days a week Extended service agreement - parts and labour - 3 years - on-site |