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AXIS Q1755 Network Camera - network camera
Prices in Euro incl. Taxes
AXIS Q1755 complies with the SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) HDTV standards in resolution, color representation and frame rate. The camera delivers HDTV 1080i or 720P resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio in full frame rate 30/25. The camera has a built-in slot for an SD/SDHC memory card which makes it possible to store days of recording without any external equipment. Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af) supplies power to the cameras via the network, eliminating the need for power cables and reducing installation costs. AXIS Q1755 includes video intelligence such as enhanced video motion detection, audio detection and detection of camera tampering such as blocking or spray-painting. In addition, it includes a gatekeeper functionality which automatically zooms in when there is activity in the scene, and then zooms out after a preset time interval.